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Workshop: Designing Projects for Social Impact

Thursday 1 July 2021 – 11:00 via Zoom

Photography can sometimes be an isolating career, where the person you see the most is your client or Agent. AOP Photographer JC Candanedo shows us how he designs projects for social impact, making sure his work reaches out beyond the commercial world and connects to broader issues in society.

During this taster workshop with JC, we’ll discuss what having social impact really truly means and what we can do to mitigate our impact on the world around us. Together with JC we will look at the work of other photographers who, like JC use their work to promote change and we will touch on key things to keep in mind when designing a project for social transformation.

I’m JC, and I’m a London based photographic artist.

I work commercially in Fashion, Beauty and Portraiture with clients that include designers, production companies and beauty brands.

In my personal work, I explore the Social Issues that matter the most to me like Human Rights, Mental Health and National Identity.

I write a Blog about my experiences working in the Creative Industries where I talk about the industry and the business of photography through interviews to other creatives, features on fellow photographers and opinion pieces on social issues.

Images © JC Candanedo

AOP Photography Awards

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