Amit & Naroop: Colour in the Creative Industry

Join us, Amit & Naroop, for a series of monthly talks with people from minority backgrounds discussing working in the image-making industry.

As an Indian stills and motion duo, we have never shied away from the fact that we are from a minority background. Quite the opposite. We have actively promoted our heritage and gained significant international recognition for our Sikh Project and book, Turbans and Tales, which highlights our Indian and Sikh roots.

But for years we have wondered why there are so few photographers from BAME heritage in the commercial photography world. In other sectors, weddings, events etc., there doesn’t seem to be that same divide, so why does it exist in ours?

We do believe there are certain challenges photographers of colour face here in the UK. It isn’t all to do with the quality of work. Social and economic factors play a major role.

There is so much talent waiting to be exposed, but they never get noticed. Why?

We want to decode this mystery by speaking with other creatives of colour who are successfully pursuing their path.

By asking questions and sharing experiences, we believe we’ll be able to help not only those photographers who feel marginalised by their race, but photographers in general, as being noticed in this content-rich age is becoming harder by the minute.

We believe the conversations will be mentorship for the masses. Just one bit of valuable information can change the trajectory of someone’s career and we genuinely want to help.

Othello De’Souza-Hartley

Othello De’Souza-Hartley is a visual artist, his practice encompasses photography, film, performance, drawing and painting. De’Souza-Hartley work explores a range of issues from gender, masculinity, identity, politics, the body and emotions.

Emli Bendixen

In the second in the series, AOP photographers, Amit and Naroop, continue by talking with photographer, Emli Bendixen, about her experiences as a professional photographer in the UK creative industry.

Francis Augusto

In the third video of the series, Francis Augusto discusses his experiences as a black photographer working in the creative industry in Britain.

Max Kandhola

In the fourth video of the series, Max Kandhola discusses his journey from a young man looking for the path for his creativity, to his place as an accomplished professional photographer and educator.

AOP Photography Awards

The AOP Photography Awards are known as the ‘Oscars’ of the photography world. They celebrate excellence in the creative photography and image-making industry.
This is your chance to be seen by leading commissioners and names within the photographic industry.
Find out more about our 39th AOP Awards…