AOP 360° - Looking Ahead to 2023 #1

With many still recovering from the effects of lockdowns and the pandemic, how best to face further uncertain times?
We’ve asked several industry experts within our community for their insights and tips to help you navigate the coming months and year ahead.

How do you think 2023 is looking for the industry (from your perspective)? Do you have any predictions? 
Companies are still catching up with their marketing after Covid. With the current climate, budgets are likely to be tighter but there is still a strong willingness by clients to work on new marketing and advertising.

What advice would you give photographers looking to prepare themselves for leaner times?
Show an ability to be flexible on budget and approach to the brief. Keep yourself visible to your target audience through regular social media posts, emailers, etc.

Can you recommend 3 things they should consider now to prepare for the year ahead? 
1) Keep yourself motivated by working on personal projects. This is good for mental wellbeing and gives you fresh work to share and talk about. Commissioners have good memories and are inspired by seeing new work. For me, seeing personal work is as important as seeing commissioned work.

2) Review your folio and refresh where needed. Less is more. Consistency is good. New work shows someone who is active, busy and motivated.
Think about your website design and branding, is it due a refresh?

3) Understand that competition is high and be open to negotiation.

Are there key pitfalls they should avoid?
Don’t commit or agree to a budget or brief you are not comfortable with just to win the job. Explain your reasoning behind your costings and clearly communicate why you believe you are the best option for the job.
Be clear in your estimates, don’t miss any costs you could be liable for later. Make sure you have a clear brief from the client and agreement on the final deliverables.

What should they be doing now to futureproof their business? 
Know where you want to take your work creatively and where you want it to take you. Start that journey knowing your approach and your target audience. Read the marketing and advertising trade press to find out what agencies and companies are commissioning. Take inspiration from their trends.

How can AOP Members / Photographers contact you – what services do you provide? 
Fellow AOP Board Director Tanja Adams  and I will be offering a Friday half an hour where you can chat about anything you’d like to, including portfolio and usages.  Stay tuned for further details.

Claire Arroyo, AOP Independent Director

Claire has been working in the photographic industry for the past 25 years.

After graduating from Kent Institute of Art Design, she pursued a career in photographic management; from picture libraries, corporate photo libraries to art buyer for global brand and marketing agencies.

Since establishing her own business in 2008 she has been working directly with global brands providing consultancy services in strengthening their branding and campaigns through curating imagery, improving procurement practices and managing their impactful visual assets.

With a background in photography and deep understanding of the value of photography as a commercial asset, Claire provides valuable insight into the challenges and successes of photography for both brands and photographers.

Claire is delighted at joining the AOP as a board member to support the industry by providing useful and constructive insight into the photographic commercial industry.

Joined the Board: 13 June 2022

AOP Photography Awards

The AOP Photography Awards are known as the ‘Oscars’ of the photography world. They celebrate excellence in the creative photography and image-making industry.
This is your chance to be seen by leading commissioners and names within the photographic industry.
Find out more about our 39th AOP Awards…